Enjoy your visit
to missionart.com,
where you will find rich, colorful depictions of life at California's
legendary missions by artist Howard Anderson. Enjoy the fiesta at
Mission San Juan Capistrano,
at the Santa Barbara Mission, and Sunday at Mission San Diego de
Alcala. Meticulous in detail and authentic in their portrayal of
the settings, the paintings provide a unique and sometimes whimsical
view of life in California. We invite you to browse our mission
art gallery of limited fine art giclée editions and fine
art prints.
The website
is loaded with art and photographs of all 21 California missions,
from Sonoma to San Diego, including the artist's original mission
photography and rare and historical postcard collection. Included
on the site are California mission and Junipero Serra facts and
information, maps and directions to all 21 California missions,
and links to other mission-related websites.
art prints, greeting cards and other items are available in our
mission gift shop and can be ordered securely online.

i s s i o n a r t . c o m